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Get Fruity

Aug 28, 2009

I will never forget sitting on the lawn in front of the Fairchild Botanical Garden with Graftin’ Crafton Clift, a very wise man (and avid grafter – as you can see over here ). Having been informed that Graftin’ Crafton walks through the world in a “complete naïve wonderland of fruit,” I asked him why he liked fruit so much. He seemed flummoxed by the question, and said that he had no idea – adding only that “kids like fruit.”

It’s true – kids do like fruit. Even as adults, biting into a really delicious ripe fruit can transport us to a state childlike innocence. In that spirit, check out “Get Fruity,” a new album of children’s songs all about fruit. You can learn more about it here .

The artist’s name is Apple Brains, and he was kind enough to drop by a Fruit Hunters reading in California and he even wrote this nice note about the book.

Be sure to give the songs a listen, and pick up a copy of the CD for a fruity kids in your life!